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Virtual Edible Book Festival
November 1, 2020 - November 14, 2020
This year, the Friends of the Library will host a completely online Edible Book Contest! Registration is free has been extended to Saturday, Oct. 31. You must complete this form for each entry.
Individuals or teams may register, but remember that everything must be 100% edible and related to a published book in either shape or theme. Note that a list of ingredients and photos of both the decorating process and the completed entry must be emailed to the library before the deadline.
A panel of judges will select winners to receive cash prizes. Additionally, after the photos are posted, anyone may vote on the Rutherford Public Library website for the People’s Choice category at $1 per vote. Voting will take place between Nov. 1-14 Winners will be announced Wednesday, Nov. 18.
Remember: the deadline for registration is NOW Oct. 31.
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