Discover the events taking place in Rutherford, NJ on any given day. You can search by date, type of event, organization hosting the event, venue and much more. The calendar of events may be viewed as: Photo, List, Month, Week, Day and Map.
Rutherford. All Day. Every Day.
Week of Events
The 14h Annual Touch-a-Truck event will be held on Sunday, September 22, 2019, 1pm - 3pm, in the parking lot of Memorial Field. There will be fire trucks, tow trucks, sanitation vehicles, an ambulance, landscaping vehicles and sounds of many horns! Children ages 3 - 12 are welcome.
Rutherford Swim Association’s Grand Opening
Rutherford Swim Association’s Grand Opening
Celebrate the Grand Opening of the Rutherford Swim Association on Friday, September 27, 2019, 5:30pm - 10:00pm. Community Swim & Barbeque.