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Recycling for Earth Week
April 25, 2019 @ 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Confused about what you can and can’t recycle? Worried about the impact of China’s decision to stop accepting American recyclables? Wondering what you can do to decrease your household waste?
Rutherford Green Team member Brian Hanson-Harding will explain the current crisis in recycling nationwide, which has been exacerbated by China’s “National Sword” policy, and how it impacts Rutherford residents.
Thursday, April 25, 2019, 7:30pm – 9pm at the Rutherford Congregational United Church of Christ.
Attendees will learn exactly what can and can’t be recycled in Rutherford, how to prepare waste for the recycling bin, and how to avoid having your recycling end up as trash. Photos and videos will be shown of what happens to Rutherford’s recycling. Information will be provided about recycling large and hazardous items and alternate ways of disposing of waste. There will also be discussion of various methods of waste reduction.
Brian Hanson-Harding has been a member of the Rutherford Green Team for the past five years and has done presentations on recycling and composting for local community groups. A former teacher, he advised SOPE, the environmental group at Northern Valley Regional High School at Old Tappan, for eight years, during which time he started up a recycling program, established an organic garden, instituted composting, and received grants for environmental initiatives. He is the author of the book Composting: Turning Food Waste into Rich Soil, published by Rosen Publishing in 2014.