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Postponed: REF Harlem Wizards Game
March 25, 2020 @ 6:30 pm
Come out and support the home team as the Rutherford Bulldogs Teachers, Coaches and Staff take on the Harlem Wizards for a Basketball Game you won’t want to miss! On Wednesday, March 25, 2020 watch the Harlem Wizards in action, in the RHS Gymnasium! Game starts at 6:30pm.
**Heads up for everyone who will be attending the game: Please remember to enter the High School via the Cafeteria entrance off of Fairview Ave. Follow the arrow in the map shown here–and PLEASE DO NOT PARK IN THE RHS DRIVEWAY!!
The Rutherford Education Foundation (REF) is a N.J. non-profit Corporation comprised of parents, educators, alumni, and residents who are devoted to the enrichment and continuing excellence of the Rutherford Public schools and the community they serve. We welcome volunteers interested in assisting the Foundation to fulfill its mission.
The mission of the Rutherford Education Foundation is to enrich the academic, athletic and extracurricular experiences of students in the Borough of Rutherford. It seeks to develop a reliable source of privately raised funds that will enable it to sponsor programs in cooperation with the schools, the recreation department and the community at large.