Rutherford Bulldog Beefsteak
The Rutherford Bulldogs Football program will be having their annual “Bulldog Football Beefsteak” on Friday, September 20, 2019 at 7 pm at the Rutherford Firehouse (Ames Ave).
This fundraiser will include beefsteak, fries, beer, sangria & soda & funds the 2019 RHS Pregame Meals. The night’s guest speakers will be our very own RHS & Jr Bulldog Football Coaches, who will talk about the 2019 season, schedule and players.
$50 a head, pay at the door.
Please rsvp a seat or table via emailing, or
Disclaimer: If you do not enjoy drinking beer while eating rare beef to Neil Diamond, Meatloaf or Journey or listening to a bunch of football coaches busting each others chops, this is not the place for you……also, it has been known to happen, a beer pong tournament could break out at any time.