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One Rutherford – Bond Referendum Vote
Rutherford, NJ Rutherford, NJ, United StatesAs posted on Rutherford students would be positively impacted by the One Rutherford plan on the Sept. 24 ballot. We value the input of all residents in this community, and so we’re urging people to learn about the proposal and take time to vote. This plan includes classrooms and instructional space to serve an […]
One Rutherford
Rutherford, NJ Rutherford, NJ, United StatesImportant Dates for Bond Referendum Info and Voting as posted on Rutherford students would be positively impacted by the One Rutherford plan on the Sept. 24 ballot. We value the input of all residents in this community, and so we’re urging people to learn about the proposal and take time to vote. This plan includes […]