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Rutherford. All Day. Every Day.
Learn to Row Day
Nereid Boathouse 350 Riverside Avenue, Rutherford, NJ, United States“Learn to Row Day” on Saturday, June 1, 2019, 9am-12noon, at Nereid Boathouse. Adults, Teens and Tweens are invited to try this sport. Free event!
Pride Flag Raising
Borough Hall 176 Park Avenue, Rutherford, NJ, United StatesThe Rutherford Pride Alliance invites Rutherford and local area residents to join them for Rutherford’s First Pride Flag Raising ceremony. The event will take place on Saturday, June 1, 2019 […]
Blues and Brahms Chamber Music
Williams Center for the Arts 1 Sylvan Street, Rutherford, United StatesEnjoy a cocktail with our open bar while listening to Blues and Brahms. We bring together five of the region’s excellent chamber musicians for a fusion evening of the Blues […]
JWCR Ladybug Festival
Lincoln ParkThe Junior Woman's Club of Rutherford's Annual Ladybug Festival, will be held on Sunday, June 2, 2019, 3pm - 5pm, at Lincoln Park. Ladybug pre-sale available via PayPal.Me/JuniorsRutherford ??$5 per mesh […]
SMHS Baccalaureate Mass
Saint Mary High School's Baccalaureate Mass will be held on Monday, June 3, 2019 at 8:30am.
SMHS Graduation Ceremony
Saint Mary High School's Graduation Ceremony will be held on Monday, June 3, 2019 at 7pm.
One Rutherford Proposal Presentation
Rutherford High School 56 Elliott Place, Rutherford, NJ, United StatesPROPOSAL PRESENTATION ON JUNE 3, 2019 Last fall, your Board of Education sought voter approval of a plan to improve and maintain Rutherford schools. When voters rejected the referendum, the […]
Academy at St Mary 8th Grade Graduation
Academy at Saint Mary 8th Grade Graduation.
RHS Baccalaureate Ceremony
First Presbyterian Church's ChapelThe RHS PTSA is hosting a Baccalaureate event for our graduating seniors on Tuesday, June 4th at 8pm at the First Presbyterian Church of Rutherford. A reception will follow. This […]
Rutherford Senior participate in Senior Olympics
Senior Olympics! If you are 60 or over please consider joining our Senior Olympic team! This year the Senior Olympics will be held in Pequannock on June 5, 2019 with […]
Green Drinks
New Park Tavern 250 Park Ave, East Rutherford, NJ, United StatesA casual get-together for people interested in Green issues: no lectures, no pressure, no guilt. Come enjoy a drink or snack with like-minded people in the back room of the […]
Free Yoga in Lincoln Park
Lincoln ParkFree Yoga in Lincoln Park - part of Mayor's Wellness Campaign. Wednesdays in June at 7pm in Lincoln Park. Instructor David Bogdanos. Donations will be accepted for Wounded Warriors.